Let us pray for you
Healing prayer with elders
Elders praying with and for Redwood Chapel attenders and members for specific needs, 2nd Sunday each month at 6pm in room 207. more info
Food Pantry
Providing food assistance to our local community. more info
Providing tangible assistance to Redwood Chapel attenders; people who may not attend Redwood Chapel, but have a relationship with Redwood Chapel; and special community projects.
Email Sam for more info
Grace in our Grief / GriefShare
Grace in our Grief/GriefShare is for any person who is experiencing grief from the death of a loved one. Although the group focuses primarily upon grief related to the death of a loved one, the various topics may also help one experiencing grief from other significant losses.
more info
Stephen Ministry
Providing a personal care giver to support and help others dealing with various life issues (family, grief, health, etc).
more info
Additional Resources
Healing Tears
Providing support to anyone dealing with the lingering effects of an abortion(s).
Email for more info
Rachel’s Vineyard hosted by
Real Options
A weekend retreat for those who have gone through a reproductive loss.
More Info
Divorce and Relationship Recovery Network
Providing support and helping anyone and everyone dealing with divorce and/or broken relationships, past, present and potentially future; meets on ZOOM. Link 1
Christian Counseling Resources
Sequoyah Counseling Center Castro Valley - ph (510) 646-0123 sequoyahcounselingcenter.com
- Trinity Counseling San Leandro - ph (510) 430-1115 www.trinity-counseling.org
Trinity Life Counseling Pleasanton- ph (925) 262-1155 trinitylifecounseling.net [Joyce Perry]
Christian Counseling Center Hayward - ph (510) 783-6629
East Bay Counseling Alameda - ph (510) 900-9912 and Dublin - ph (925) 272-9242
Mental Health Resources
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline ph (800) 273-8255
Alameda County Mobile Crisis Team: 510-891-5600 (ask for an on-duty clinician) / M-F from 8am-6pm
Call 988 for 24hr crisis hotline for phone support OR text “safe” to 20121
Call 911 for medical or mental health emergencies
Your health insurance may also have counseling options, but they may not provide a Christian counseling resource.
Addiction & Recovery Resources
Celebrate Recovery: https://celebraterecovery.com/
Alcoholics Anonymous: https://www.aa-meetings.com/directory
Gospel message of Jesus to everyone in the Castro Valley, Hayward, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, Oakland and the East Bay area community
Local Housing and Shelter Resources
Housing Resource Center (aka BACS HEDCO Wellness Center) at 590 B St Hayward (510-247-8235)
Family Emergency Shelter, 22671 3rd Street, Hayward (510-581-3223)
Shelter at First Presbyterian Church of Hayward in Castro Valley (510-634-4750) [6:30pm – 7am]
South Hayward Shelter, 27287 Patrick Ave., Hayward (510-785-3663)
Shepherd’s Gate (women’s shelter), Brentwood and Livermore campuses - ph (888) 216-4776 shepherdsgate.org
City Team (men’s shelter), Oakland – ph (510) 452-3758 cityteam.org/oakland
Call 211 or www.211ca.org for resources including housing/shelters, mental health resources, Uber/Lyft rides, food
The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the websites linked above belong solely to those websites, and all of their content may not necessarily be endorsed by Redwood Chapel Community Church.
Pastor Sam Morgan
Pastor of Care Ministries
Sam was born and raised in San Francisco along with his four sisters. He is a sexagenarian, a member of the “Husband’s Club” (an active participant with “the marriage experience and experiment” for more than three decades) and a member of the “Father’s Club” (he and his wife, Elaine, have three adult children).
Sam is happily retired from civil service employment, is an unashamed disciple of Christ, and joyfully gives his “attention to prayer and the ministry of the word” (Acts 6:4). He is a graduate of Liberty University (John W. Rawlings School of Divinity, Master of Arts and Master of Divinity) and was invited to join the Redwood Chapel pastoral staff in 2014 as the Pastor of Care Ministries.
Sam’s hobbies and interest include culinary activities, photography, physical fitness, group therapy (firearms training), reading, traveling, et. al. His rules of life include one’s actions and one’s choices have consequences; one is responsible for one’s actions; and one reaps what one sows, one reaps later than one sows, and one reaps more than one sows.